Default policies

A set of policies can also be set up to be created upon the creation of a Tenant through a file, which represents a series of default policies for the root servicepath /. The file is turtle (ttl) format, representing an RDF graph.

See this example.

@prefix acl: <> .
@prefix tenant: <https://tenant.url/> .

tenant:policy1 a acl:Authorization ;
    acl:agentClass <acl:agentClass:Admin> ;
    acl:default </> ;
    acl:accessToClass <entity> ;
    acl:mode <acl:Control> .

tenant:policy2 a acl:Authorization ;
    acl:agentClass <acl:AuthenticatedAgent> ;
    acl:default </> ;
    acl:accessToClass <entity> ;
    acl:mode <acl:Read> .

tenant:policy3 a acl:Authorization ;
    acl:agentClass <acl:agentClass:Admin> ;
    acl:default </> ;
    acl:accessToClass <policy> ;
    acl:mode <acl:Control> .

acl:default indicates that the policies is valid for all resources contained in the default servicePath /.

The path to this file can be set using the DEFAULT_POLICIES_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

See Policies for defining new policies dynamically.