How to customize Anubis

Adding new actions


Protecting new APIs


Creating a custom rego

Specific rules are defined based on the spec of the API to protect, e.g.:

# Checks if the entity in the policy matches the path
path_matches_policy(resource, resource_type, path) {
  resource_type = "entity"
  current_path := split(path, "/")
  current_path[1] == "v2"
  current_path[2] == "entities"
  current_path[3] == resource

# User permissions
user_permitted {
  entry := data.user_permissions[token.payload.sub][_]
  scope_method[entry.action][_] == request.action
  path_matches_policy(entry.resource, entry.resource_type, request.resource)
  entry.tenant == request.tenant
  entry.service_path == request.service_path

In this case, the path_matches_policy check if a the incoming request has a given format, while user_permitted checks if according to the user based access policies, the request is allowed.

Creating a custom lua script to automate policy creation at resource creation


Customize authentication